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Dec 10, 2014 | EDOT Staff

Good Shepherd, Austin, Partners With Stop Hunger Now for Meal Packing Event

Good Shepherd, Austin, will join forces with Stop Hunger Now, a world hunger relief organization, on Sunday, December 21, to be the first in Austin to work with SHN to pack 20,000 meals.


The pack will take place during the 9:00 a.m. worship service, and will begin in the Sanctuary for the Liturgy of the Word. After the Lessons, the service will move to the Parish Hall to receive instructions for packing, where participants will put the gospel into action with their hands. The liturgy will conclude with Eucharist in the Parish Hall. All members are invited and a nursery will be provided.


Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief agency that has been fulfilling its commitment to end hunger for more than 15 years. Since 1998, the organization has coordinated the distribution of food and other lifesaving aid to children and families in countries all over the world. Stop Hunger Now created its meal-packaging program, in 2005, perfecting the assembly process that combines rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix including 23 essential vitamins and minerals into small meal packets. Each meal costs only 29 cents and the food stores easily, has a shelf life of two years and transports quickly.


To learn more about the event go to For more information on the mission and ministry of Stop Hunger Now, visit their website at