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Jun 08, 2011

Good Shepherd, Tomball, Holds Food Fight for Charity

Food Fight
The aftermath of the food fight.
Food Fight 2
The Tomball Fire Dept. "decontaminated" the youth.

After a Sunday service dedicated to the youth, Good Shepherd, Tomball, staged a food fight on May 29. Around 20 youth hurled everything from meatball marinara to egg yolks outside the church.


Good Shepherd's Youth Sunday Service featured contemporary music and slide shows of the young people of Good Shepherd, followed by a special recognition for graduating seniors. After a great morning of celebration, the food fight began.


"Everyone got so messy," said youth director Sara Hailey. "We had food in our hair, in our ears, in our clothes. It was great!"


Participants in the food fight needed to bring a food donation as an entry fee. In total, Good Shepherd donated 50 pounds of food to the Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministry (TEAM). Parishioners made sure to use food in the food fight that was not able to be donated in order to cut down on waste. 


Following the food fight, the Tomball Fire Department was on hand to spray down the food-fighters and "decontaminate" the youth. They used this as a decontamination drill to train their new firemen. 


"We fed them, and they cleaned us off," Hailey said. "We, as a church, are so appreciative of our Tomball Fire Fighters. They are a joy to be around and always so willing to help. The mess was worth all the clean up."