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Dec 13, 2011 | Luke Blount

Good Shepherd, Tomball, Holds "Just Show Up" Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant 1
Christmas Pageant 2

Children try on costumes in advance of 
the Christmas Pageant

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Tomball will be hosting a "Just Show Up" Children's Christmas Pageant on Saturday, December 24 at 5:00 p.m. 


All interested members of the community are invited to come to this service. Costumes are provided and children and teens can play a role in the pageant. 


"The kids just show up and we dress them up," said youth minister Sara Hailey. "They don't need any instruct after that.  The Pageant is completely narrated and there are people to help them along during the readings."


The pageant is part of Good Shepherd's Family Christmas Service. Good Shepherd's address is 715 E. Carrell St., Tomball 77375.  The phone number is 281-351-1609.


"It is really a special time in our church, since the altar is in the middle of our church, the pageant takes place amongst the people," Hailey said. "It's really a neat thing to see."