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Nov 13, 2013 | Jordan Doherty

Healing Brings Peace

[Diolog Magazine] Since childhood, I have been plagued by debilitating digestive disorders. I visited physician after physician, none of whom could successfully treat or even rightly diagnose my condition. In the past eight months, however, my illness became a great deal more severe, and it became clear that whether I would survive was completely out of my earthly hands. 


Prayer warriors from near and far--including every family at our church, petitioners from the congregations of multiple local churches, and even prayers groups from several states and Costa Rica--interceded daily for me during several long months of agony. By the grace of God, I have recently undergone emergency surgery that saved my life, and I have been healed! I have never known the kind of freedom or painlessness I know now. In my 20 years of life, I have never experienced such bodily peace.


The real miracle of it all is how widespread the blessings have been. Jesus has not only created a powerful testimony in me, but has edified his faithful from many families and across many communities. It was surreal--nurses at the hospital tearfully came to me: "We have never seen anything like this! Surely your God loves you!" Over and over, I told them about Jesus. I felt like Jacob wrestling with the angel for a blessing--I begged Jesus to heal me and I vowed that if he did, I would tell of His miracles to all who would listen.


I am grateful for the healing of my body by the grace of Jesus Christ. I am honored to be the recipient of one of the modern-day miracles of the Living God.


Doherty is a member of Calvary, Richmond