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Aug 26, 2013 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

House of Bishops to Gather in Nashville in September

Bishops of The Episcopal Church will gather for the House of Bishops fall meeting September 19-24 at the Nashville Airport Marriott, Nashville TN.


The theme of the gathering will be Transforming Loss into New Possibilities.


The meeting will begin with welcomes by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and Bishop John Bauerschmidt from the host Diocese of Tennessee.


Slated are presentations on Missional Wisdom, Bridge-Building Mission, Formation for Mission, Moving Missionally, and Moving Diagonally. In addition, the bishops will discuss a range of important topics such as gun violence, the new diocesan staff networking program, and a business meeting on September 24.


On Sunday, September 22, the bishops will visit churches in the area.  Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori will preside and preach at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville.


Among the invited guests are: Bishop Suheil S. Dawani, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem; Rabbi Steve Gutow, President and CEO of Jewish Council for Public Affairs; Dr. Elaine Heath, McCreless Professor of Evangelism at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University and co-founder of the Missional Wisdom Foundation; President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings; Bishop Gregory Palmer, Bishop of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church; Canon David Porter, Director for Reconciliation for Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; and representatives of the United Methodist Church.


The meeting includes daily Eucharists and prayer services.


The House of Bishops Spouses/Partners group will be meeting concurrently.