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Mar 11, 2021 | The Rev. Charles Graves

Houston Canterbury Distributes 1,100+ Care Packages

Houston Canterbury Giving - Rev Charles Graves1Houston Canterbury has given more than 1,100 care packages to students at University of Houston, Texas Southern University and University of Houston Downtown since December 2020. During the beginning of the semester, midterms and final exams, the college ministry has been teaming up to hand-deliver these gift bags to students, working with its PCUSA & UCC counterpart. Each bag contains snacks like oatmeal, tea, gum, a sports drink, and most importantly prayer cards letting students know they are loved & cared for. There has been so much enthusiasm for the bags, dozens of them have often run out within minutes, and online reservations fill up quickly. A university administrator recently remarked “it’s like you’re putting gold in the bags!”

Houston Canterbury Giving - Rev Charles Graves2

Rev. Charles C. Graves IV  
Campus Missioner, Houston Canterbury