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Aug 22, 2013

Houston Mayor Honors St. Francis Wolves Against Hunger Team

Houston Mayor Annise Parker presents a Mayoral
Proclamation to the Wolves Against Hunger team.

In a ceremony preceding yesterday’s City Council meeting, Mayor Annise Parker proclaimed August 20, 2013, “Wolves Against Hunger of St. Francis Episcopal Day School Day.” During the ceremony, the mayor commended the team of seven St. Francis Episcopal Day School students who won the national Lead2Feed World Hunger Leadership Challenge last May. The group, dubbed “Wolves Against Hunger,” chose to present its Lead2Feed award check of $25,000 to Kids’ Meals, the state’s only meals-on-wheels service for children who live in poverty.


“Houston has many talented young individuals, and I am proud to recognize the efforts of these students who tackled a serious, prevalent issue in our community and around the world,” said Mayor Parker. “They have served as role models for others, and certainly have bright futures ahead.”


The Mayoral Proclamation, designed to honor individuals who have made a significant contribution to society, highlighted the students’ work with K.L. International School in Meerut, India, to identify creative solutions to fight hunger in their local communities. More than 1,500 schools and 300,000 students from across the nation participated in the Lead2Feed Challenge, which was initiated by the USA TODAY Charitable Foundation and the Lift a Life Foundation, with assistance from the Yum! Brands Foundation. The contest encouraged middle and high school students to hone leadership skills by completing a service-learning project that solved hunger issues.


Councilman Andrew C. Burks Jr. closed the presentation by adding, “At St. Francis, I know you all know about the scripture, ‘Faith without works is dead.’ You have definitely shown the faith and you have done the work, and I commend you all for it.”