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Feb 26, 2018 | EDOT Staff

Houston Rector Named New EDOT Chief of Staff

The Rev. Christine Faulstich, rector of Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Houston, has been named the new chief of staff for the Diocese of Texas, the Bishop’s office announced today.  In her new position, Faulstich will support Bishop Andy Doyle’s work, amplifying the vision of the Diocese of Texas, supervising the Bishop’s office team and overseeing a variety of projects, initiatives and events that support the Bishop’s work. She succeeds the Rev. John Newton on the diocesan staff. Newton was called to be rector of St. Michael’s, Austin in February.

“While I am sorry to take Christine away from Epiphany, I look forward to putting her very deep set of skills to work for the advantage of the entire Diocese,” Bishop Doyle said. 

Faulstich has served as rector of Epiphany, a multicultural congregation in the southwest Houston, since 2014, where she also served as chair of ECHOS (Epiphany Community Health Outreach Services), a social service agency founded by Epiphany. ECHOS annually assists thousands of clients with classes, food, access to medical care and more.  Previously, Faulstich served as associate rector of St. Matthew’s, Austin. She graduated from Rice University with a degree in economics and attended Virginia Theological Seminary. Faulstich has served on the Commission on Ministry, the Board of Examining Chaplains and the Standing Committee of the Diocese. She is engaged to David Goldberg, a senior seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary. 

"I look forward to this opportunity to engage Bishop Doyle's vision for the Diocese and to help lead the staff in facilitating the work of ministry." 

Faulstich will office at the Diocesan Center in Houston and begin work on April 24.