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Sep 01, 2021

How Your Parish Can Help Afghan Refugees Coming to Texas

Texas is gearing up to welcome and help with the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, expecting hundreds if not thousands of refugees over the next six months.

Interfaith Ministries

Interfaith Ministries, currently in partnership with Episcopal Migration Ministries and the U.S. State Department, has been resettling refugees for over 30 years. Read here to learn more about Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston’s invaluable partnership with Episcopal Migration Ministries. Through its One Thousand Neighbors One Thousand Reasons campaign, they expect to support over 1000 Afghans over the next six months, but ultimately, possibly up to 2500 as we move forward.

Please encourage your parishioners to contribute by making a donation here to help reach the immediate goal of $1M. So far, Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston has raised close to $360,000 in this effort. We’re asking that you please include this information in your Sunday church bulletin and/or announce during your church services this Sunday to help advance these efforts. More information is forthcoming on both our website and other communications channels.

Other Partnerships

Agencies are working together to resettle Afghans refugees throughout our state and providing them with housing and basic services. If your church would like to help with the resettlement of Afghan refugees, visit the links below. 


Refugee Services Wish List | Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston

Refugee Services of Texas (Houston)

The Alliance

YMCA International Services


Refugee Services of Texas (Austin)

Caritas of Austin

Multicultural Refugee Coalition