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Mar 18, 2014

Iglesia Episcopal San Mateo Holds Free Eye Clinic for SW Houston

The Rev. Alejandro Montes takes part in the event
Clinic volunteers help with vision tests

Iglesia Episcopal San Mateo, a Spanish-speaking congregation in Bellaire, had twice as many neighbors than planned at its first free eye clinic on Saturday, March 8. A second clinic is planned to help respond to the local need for professional eye examinations. Nearly 100 people attended the event at which only 40 were expected.


Volunteers from St. Martin’s, Houston, joined many parishioners from San Mateo, World Vision doctors and University of Houston ophthalmology students to provide the much-needed eye examinations according to Ramona Garcia, a member of San Mateo and a teacher in the Houston Independent School District.


“It was a total success!” Garcia said, noting that many members and neighbors would not be able to afford similar services or would have to wait months to see a doctor through the avenues available to them.


Participants began lining up early in the morning on March 8 and expressed their thanks for the care and professionalism they received from volunteers and World Vision doctors. Some received services free of charge while others paid a small amount based on their financial ability, Garcia explained. Volunteers also screened for high blood pressure and diabetes. “Participants said the clinic was a blessing to them and they hoped we would offer it again,” she added.