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Mar 20, 2015 | Carol E. Barnwell

Invite Welcome Connect Summit Set for April 30-May 2

Invite Welcome Connect brings together dynamic speakers and practical workshops for a national audience at Camp Allen, TX, April 30-May 2, 2015. Many dioceses across the country have hosted the evangelism seminars of IWC and churches that have used its principles report growing numbers and energized parishioners.


North Carolina’s Bishop Michael Curry will preach at the Summit’s opening Eucharist on Thursday evening, with keynote addresses from Back to Church’s Michael Harvey; Radical Welcome’s author, Stephanie Spellers; Texas Bishop Andy Doyle, whose new book Church addresses the future of Episcopal congregations and Mary Parmer, author of the Invite Welcome Connect seminars.


Workshops on how to use the Invite-Welcome-Connect materials will offer ideas and experiences from those who have used the newcomer project resources in their own churches. These materials provide excellent congregational development tools that include creative, concrete resources to form a strategic, intentional and transformational newcomer ministry.  Hear from the people who have learned how to use the gift of hospitality to reach out to new members, bring them into community and connect them to the life and ministry of the congregation.


Clergy and lay leaders who are interested in seeing their congregations grow and flourish and who are open to creative and new approaches will find a full measure of intentional and transformational newcomer ministry ideas and information.


The cost has been partially underwritten by a grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, where the IWC curriculum was developed and piloted. Registration, which includes three days of the Summit, lodging and meals is $200 per person ($245 for single occupancy). Online registration is at


Any questions regarding the Summit may be directed to Mary Parmer, Newcomer Ministry Project