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Jan 23, 2013 | Luke Blount

Island Churches Work Together for Lenten Series

Galveston Lenten Series - Screen Shot 2013-01-23 at...Episcopalians in Galveston will have the opportunity to gather together every Wednesday in Lent to hear a fantastic speaker series.


The Churches of Grace, St. Augustine and Trinity have worked together to line up these notable speakers: Bishop Andy Doyle, the Rev. Pittman McGehee, Br. Michael Gallagher, the Rev. Peter Funk, the Rev. Dr. Allen Robinson, the Rev. Canon John Newton and Kathy Culmer.


The leaders of each congregation, the Rev. Meredith Holt (Grace), the Rev. Susan Kennard (Trinity) and the Rev. Chester Makowski (St. Augustine) have worked diligently to build a positive relationship among their churches that hasn't always been there.


Kudos to Galveston Episcopalians. Click here to see the dates and speakers.


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