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Jan 30, 2015 | Carol E. Barnwell

Janie Stevens Memorial Scholarship Fund Established


Janie Stevens, Christian educator and former Christian Formation missioner for the Diocese of Texas, died last fall in Houston. She was remembered by colleagues this week at the national Forma conference held in Houston, January 27-29, with the establishment of a scholarship fund in her name. Stevens worked nationally and internationally during her distinguished career and was instrumental in writing The Episcopal Church’s Charter for Lifelong Christian Formation, adopted by General Convention in 2009. Before serving the Diocese, Stevens served as Christian Education Director at Holy Comforter, Angleton and at St. Timothy’s, Lake Jackson.


Forma, a national association of Christian educators, formation professionals and institutional partners in The Episcopal Church, established the Janie Stevens Memorial Fund in partnership with Virginia Theological Seminary. The fund will support scholarships in Forma’s Certificate in Lifelong Christian Formation program.


The Charter may be found here.