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Jan 23, 2014 | Lynwood P. Randolph

Junior Ushers Ministry Allows Youth Participation in The Woodlands

Trinity Episcopal Church in the Woodlands has found a new way to involve youth in services. The Junior Usher Ministry started in April, 2011 when the rector gave the approval. My past experience as a young person growing up in a church where I served as an usher convinced me that this was a good idea. The first Junior Usher training (nine Junior Ushers and two coordinators) was conducted on September 24, 2011. Seventeen Junior Ushers (seven young ladies and 10 young men) and three coordinators originally agreed to serve. This ministry  was commissioned on January 29, 2012 with five Junior Ushers serving at the 9 a.m. service and eight serving at the 11 a.m. service.


Junior Usher badges were donated by my wife. Family participation is very important as shown by the fact that seven families have more than one young adult from their family who serve as a Junior Usher. In order to utilize the Junior Ushers, I recommended that the Junior Ushers served on the fifth Sundays of the month. Each Junior Usher is assigned to one of two teams (one team serves at the 9 a.m. service and the other at the 11 a.m. service). Junior Ushers have also participated in the Christmas Services in 2012 and 2013.


All of the coordinators and the leader of the Junior Ushers have completed the requirement of certification under Safeguarding God's Children. Currently there are 34 Junior Ushers (15 young ladies and 19 young men, ages 8-18) and 5 coordinators participating in our ministry. There are 17 Junior Ushers who are also acolytes and several serve in the contemporary choir. However, we are dedicated to not having a conflict in scheduling these groups of young adults.


Junior Ushers are trained along with regular ushers. We also have two Junior Ushers also assigned to a regular usher team because all regular ushers on that team has been certified under Safeguarding God's Children. Those who were unable to attend training are mentored by the coordinators during their church service.


We look forward to 2014 as steps are being taken to utilize Junior Ushers with the regular usher teams that have at least two members certified through the Safeguarding God's Children training.


-If you wish to learn more about Junior Ushers, please contact Lynwood P. Randolph at .