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Aug 19, 2013 | EDOT Staff

Latino/Hispanic Clergy Conference Strengthens Ties Across Church

The Rt. Rev. Hector Monterroso, bishop of the
Diocese of Costa Rica, was the keynote speaker.

More than 60 clergy and spouses from Province VII and throughout The Episcopal Church gathered at Seminary of the Southwest for the three-day 2013 Clergy Conference for Latino/Hispanic Ministries.


Participants participated in workshops about social media and church planting and considered strategic topics analyzing target areas through mission and personal Mexican American perspectives. Raising up future Latino clergy was also a topic that conference attendees discussed during their time together in Austin. The Rt. Rev. Hector Monterroso, bishop of the Diocese of Costa Rica, was the keynote speaker.


Growing relationships with Bishop Monterroso and Austin clergy continue to strengthen global opportunities for mutual ministry and field study avenues for seminarians. Seminary of the Southwest hosts the Latino/Hispanic Ministry Conference,  coordinated by the Rev. Al Rodriguez, former rector of St. John’s, Austin. The conference will alternate years with Nuevo Amanecer, held at Kanuga Conference Center next year, hosted by The Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministry of the Episcopal Church.