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Jan 09, 2012 | Episcopal Relief & Development

Lenten Meditations Available in English & Spanish

Episcopal Relief & Development is pleased to announce that both the print and electronic versions of its 2012 Lenten Meditations will be available in English and Spanish.  Co-authored by a group of Episcopal Church leaders from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, this year’s devotional booklet focuses on how Christians can work to promote health and fight disease while preparing their own lives for healing during the Lenten season.


“We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the 2012 Lenten Meditations,” said Brian Sellers-Petersen, Director of Church Engagement at Episcopal Relief & Development. “Each meditation provides a new and engaging way to think about health and healing in the context of Scripture and the season of Lent.”


The English and Spanish devotional booklets, as well as additional Lenten materials such as prayer cards and hope chests, will be shipped from the Episcopal Media Center.  Orders should be placed by visiting, calling 1.866.937.2772 or emailing  .  In order to ensure delivery within the US by Ash Wednesday, February 26, all requests for items should be made by Friday, February 10.  For overseas orders, please allow extra time for your shipment to arrive.


Downloadable Spanish and English versions of the meditations are available at Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Resources web page at  Readers can also sign up to receive them by email.  Each email will include both the English and Spanish text for that day.


In 2009, Lent was officially designated as a time to encourage dioceses, congregations and individuals to remember and support Episcopal Relief & Development’s life-saving work. All Episcopalians are invited to join together on Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday, February 26, and throughout the Lenten season to pray for those who are impacted by poverty and disease worldwide.  Congregations may also consider dedicating a special offering toward the organization’s mission.


“Since our Lenten theme is health and healing, we are encouraging churches to focus on how they can help promote health and fight disease on Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday and throughout the season,” Sellers-Petersen said. “One particular way they can do this is by joining the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund campaign and inviting members to educate themselves about malaria and take action to prevent it.  By purchasing a $12 mosquito net, a single individual can help protect up to three people from this deadly disease, but a congregation working together could protect a whole community!”


Complementary resources for Lent and Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday, including a bulletin insert, sermon notes and special prayers, are available at


To support Episcopal Relief & Development’s work, please visit or call 1.855.312.HEAL (4325). Gifts can be mailed to Episcopal Relief & Development, PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.