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Nov 01, 2013 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

Live Webcast Available for All Saints Liturgy in New York

The Episcopal Church Office of Communication will live stream the All Saints service from Grace Church in New York City on Sunday, November 3 beginning at 11 am Eastern (10 am Central, 9 am Mountain, 8 am Pacific).


The live webcast can be accessed on the website of the Episcopal Church here.


“Live streaming the All Saints service is a way to connect people with the communion of all the saints, as is celebrated on that day,” noted Mike Collins, Episcopal Church Manager of Multimedia Services.


The liturgy will include music and baptisms. Preacher will be the Rev.  J. Donald Waring, rector of Grace Church.


“All Saints’ Sunday is always one of the great celebrations on the church calendar, but this year at Grace Church we are especially excited because we’ll sing the thrilling hymns of the day to the accompaniment of our newly installed pipe organ,” noted Waring.


The All Saints service is another in the ongoing live webcast offerings form the Office of Communication.  It will be available on-demand.


Grace Church is located at New York 802 Broadway (at 10th Street) in New York, NY.