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May 01, 2012 | Patricia Swaby

Livingston Church Celebrates First Outreach Sunday

St. Luke's Livingston Outreach - St. Luke's Livingston

St. Luke’s, Livingston, celebrated their first Outreach Sunday on April 29 by distributing more than $5,000 in grants to local organizations.


“It’s not that this is the first time we have thought about outreach," said the Rev. Susan Gerding. "In fact, the mission of this church and its people is to transform lives through the love of Christ not only through our worship and fellowship, but by our service to this community. However, today is the first Sunday that we celebrate our call to serve others with an invitation to the people in the community who work with us in outreach to join us in our worship. Today we acknowledge that our mission of reconciling love in this world is the mission of all God’s children."


There were 33 guests representing volunteers from the St. Luke’s Oasis Ministry and the seven organizations that received outreach grants from St. Luke’s were recognized during the service and a reception which followed.


St. Luke’s awarded local organizations Relay for Life, Twelve Traditions, the SPCA, the Boys and Girls Club of Polk County, Kids with Purpose, “Don’t Meth With Me,” and the Piney Woods Birds and Bloom a total of $5,250.00 in outreach grants, and the church is committed to donating almost $4000.00 more to the community during the 2012 year.


The money for outreach is raised through the proceeds of the Oasis, the St. Luke’s resale shop, which also gives away goods to people who are referred by county agencies.