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Sep 29, 2020

Local Episcopal Parishes UNITE to Fill the Gap of Food Donations at Drive-thru Blessing of the Animals Event

Episcopal parishes St. Timothy’s, Lake Jackson; Holy Comforter, Angleton; St. Paul’s, Freeport, have combined efforts to include a food drive benefitting The Food Basket in their annual Blessing of the Animals (St. Francis Day) tradition. Due to COVID-19, this event will be held as a drive-thru.

Sunday, October 4 from 3 – 5 p.m. at all three Episcopal churches

St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
The Rev. Genevieve Razim, Interim Rector
200 Oyster Creek Drive 
Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 &

Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
The Rev. Travis Smith, Rector
227 S. Chenango Street,
Angleton, Texas 77516 &

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
The Rev. Chris Weis, Deacon-in-Charge
1307 W 5th Street,
Freeport, TX 77541

Because the Brazoria County Fair was cancelled due to COVID-19, The Food Basket will not benefit from the annual food drive hosted by the Fair. The Fair food drive has historically provided the bulk of fall donations to The Food Basket.

About The Food Basket:
Poverty is a real issue in Southern Brazoria County. Those seeking assistance from The Food Basket in 2019 claimed residence across eighteen different Southern Brazoria County cities with the majority from nearby cities Freeport, Clute, and Lake Jackson.The Food Basket is an ecumenical organization founded in 2002 to meet the growing demand for supplemental food among families in Southern Brazoria County.  With the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis, The Food Basket has maintained its mission, providing a safe drive-through food distribution twice per week.

  • Each week, The Food Basket serves from 120-150 households dealing with food insecurity.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of families assisted per week has increased almost 50%.
  • Last year, The Food Basket distributed 480 “holiday” boxes, such as for Spring Break, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • In 2019, over 390 volunteers provided 5473 hours of valuable labor.
  • In addition to addressing food insecurity, The Food Basket helps improve lives through food health classes, financial learning courses, and health activities and crafting programs.

Interfaith Food Bank, dba The Food Basket
1 Wesley Dr, Clute, TX 77531