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Aug 01, 2011 | Linda Davenport

Lord of the Streets Success Story - How Calvin Got His Courage Back

[via The Window of Trinity Church] Calvin L. gave up on himself and life. In August of 2010 he found hope at Lord of The Streets


Losing his job was just the beginning. His marriage crashed too, leaving Calvin lonely and discouraged. He gave up any hope for happiness and turned to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism and substitute for a successful life. 


Though raised in the church, he told his case worker at Lord of The Streets that he just could not summon the faith and courage needed to work on getting his life back together. His belief in God was still strong, but he needed help from other people. He found that help at Lord of The Streets/Community of The Streets. The staff and volunteers working together helped Calvin find his way back to healthy living, life on life’s terms.


LOTS/COTS Case Management, using resources and donations from the generous Houston community, found a place for Calvin in the Men’s Center. A non-medical residential rehabilitation center for men, the Men’s Center furnishes transitional housing, meals, and job assistance for men recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction.


LOTS paid his rent, $56-79 weekly, for several months. Following the rules of the Men’s Center, Calvin attended AA meetings, got a sponsor, and began working the 12 steps. 


“He began to heal and transform,” says Laura Daughtrey, a regular volunteer at LOTS. “After several months he was literally bubbling over with hope and joy.” 


Calvin found work as a truck driver with a commercial driving service. He is now paying his own rent, but has decided to continue living at the Men’s Center for at least a year so that he can save money and focus on his spiritual growth.            

Calvin was a featured speaker at the annual LOTS/COTS luncheon. His journey up from the bottom is an inspiration.