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May 02, 2012 | EDOT Staff

Lord of the Streets to Honor Robin and Marshall Cloyd at Luncheon

Lord of the Streets will honor Robin and Marshall Cloyd at their 2012 Annual Spring Luncheon on May 17 at St. Martin's, 717 Sage Road, Houston. Guest speaker will be Houston City Councilwoman Wanda Adams and entertainment will be provided by the Houston City Dance Studio. A silent auction with works donated by local artists begins at 11 a.m., followed by lunch and program at 11:30 .


“The continued support of our patrons is much needed and enables us to help thousands of men, women and children each year,” said LOTS director, the Rev. Bob Flick.  


For sponsorship and attendance information visit or email Monica Erickson, chair of the event or call her at 832.868.1534, or email co-chair Leslie Coleman or call at 713.825.4252. 


LOTS mission is to minister to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of individuals living in Houston, who are homeless, disadvantaged or in transition.