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May 06, 2015

Mary Magdalene Re-imagined at Summer Festival

A national month-long festival to reshape the legacy of Mary Magdalene will feature internationally known lecturer Dr. Kayleen Asbo and an art exhibit this summer at Christ Church Cathedral and the Jung Center in Houston.


Asbo will lecture and present a workshop July 23-25. She has been a guest lecturer at Oxford University, The Assisi Institute in Italy and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkley. Asbo presents a fascinating account of Mary Magdalene, combining a scholarly approach and mysticism.


“Written in the early part of the second century, the Gospel Mary Magdalene is a gospel of our deepest roots, filled with fresh insights for us today,” said the Rev. Betty Adam, resident canon theologian at Christ Church Cathedral. “It gives us a call to come home to our shared humanity and divinity…to develop peace within ourselves.”


Artists are encouraged to submit works that re-imagine Mary Magdalene as the beloved disciple of Jesus, instead of the penitent sinner or weeping and scorned woman, presented by Pope Gregory in 591. Twenty four finalists will be selected to exhibit. Application deadline is June 1 and artwork will be exhibited in the Cathedral’s Cloister Gallery, July 7-August 3.


The Many Faces of Mary Magdalene festival will be held at the Cathedral and the Jung Center in the Museum District. It will be open to the public. Information about the festival can be found at