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Jun 13, 2014 | EDOT Staff

Michael Harvey to Return to the Diocese of Texas

Michael Harvey, the renowned international speaker and founder of Back to Church Sunday, a day we have dubbed in the Diocese of Texas as Invitation Sunday, will return to Texas in October, 2014. Harvey is gifted and engaging, and he inspires with humor and truth about the topic of inviting people to church.


He presented and was enthusiastically received at the Houston Warden and Vestry Conference in 2013, was shown on video at two other Warden and Vestry Conferences that spring and spoke to clergy at specially called meetings in Houston and Austin.


Bishop Andy Doyle has invited Michael back to speak at the Diocese of Texas Clergy Conference this coming October. Additionally, he will be extending his stay in order to be available to speak at any of our churches. The Diocese of Texas would like to coordinate his itinerary and make sure that he has lots of opportunities here!


Michael has different workshops he can present to congregations depending on their need. Each of them is geared to inviting persons to our congregations, dealing with our fears about doing so, and how to maintain visitors.



***Update*** Michael's schedule is now full. We will provide a list of places to see him when the information is more clear.