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Feb 21, 2012

Moody Grant to Allow Trinity School, Galveston to Build a Gym

Published February 6, 2012


The Trinity Episcopal School board of trustees in Galveston announced Feb. 3 that Trinity Episcopal School is the recipient of a $2.7 million grant from The Moody Foundation to be used toward construction of an activity center and gymnasium on Trinity’s campus.


This new facility, to be named the Robert L. and Ann Moody Activity Center, will fulfill a longtime need of the school for an indoor gymnasium and activity venue.


This generous gift from The Moody Foundation makes it possible for Trinity to initiate plans that have been discussed for many years for an indoor sports and activity building.


Preliminary steps for this facility, begun before Hurricane Ike, were postponed following the storm so the school could focus on recovery efforts at existing campus facilities. 


Looking in archival materials that survived Hurricane Ike, we found school newsletters from the mid ’80s that spoke of the need and desire for the school to have a gymnasium.


Read the rest of the story at The Daily News website.