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May 13, 2014

Navasota Church Supports Youth in Raising Funds for Cancer Research

Hannah Dimmel (second from right) has raised
more than $1,000 for cancer research

John C. Webb Elementary School in Navasota, Texas has a Relay for Life team called the Webb Walkers that is made up of teachers and administrators from with in the school. Every year the school has a walk-athon, during the children’s P.E. period, called the Wee Walk, raising money for cancer research.


For the past three years, members of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church have rallied around one of their very own young parishioners that participates in the Wee Walk. Thanks to the support of the church, Hannah Dimmel has raised over $1000 in her three years of participation in the Wee Walk. Because of that support, Hannah was the second top fund raiser in her first year to walk in 2012 as a first grader and top fund raiser in 2013 and 2014 as a second and third grader.


Hannah walks for her Great Uncle Bubba, a two time cancer survivor, and for her “Aunt” Linda, her Uncle Doug and her Grandfather Wayne, who all lost their battles with cancer.


The Wee Walk is an opportunity for the children of the school to participate in raising money for Relay for Life. The children take sign up sheets home to have friends and family members sign up to sponsor them in their walkathon at school. The Wee Walk is just one of many fundraisers that the Webb Walkers have, but it is one of their most successful. This year’s Wee Walkers raised over $3500 for Webb Walker’s Relay for Life Team.


As a Wee Walk participant, Hannah has also walked with the Webb Walkers at the Grimes County Relay for Life Event for the last three years. The Webb Walkers have been the top fund raising team for many years, thanks to the children who participate in the Wee Walk.


On Friday, May 9, Hannah walked with the Webb Walkers at the Grimes County Relay for Life Event for the last time. She moves on to the 4th grade next year at Navasota Intermediate School. Hannah has really enjoyed participating in the Wee Walk and with the Webb Walkers at Relay for Life. She says she is sad to be moving on, but she will still find a way to participate in the years to come.