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Jan 02, 2013 | Luke Blount

NetsforLife Approaches $5 Million Goal

netsforlife updateEpiscopal Relief and Development's $5 million NetsforLife® fundraising goal is within range as the campaign reported topping $4.7 million at the end of 2012. The Episcopal Diocese of Texas has been a major contributor as churches and individuals have donated more than $260,000 in an effort to eradicate malaria in sub-saharan Africa.


Even though ERD is at 94 percent of their goal, they still need help to finish strong. Visit to help close the gap. Or organize an event in your community for ERD.


Seminary of the Southwest in Austin will be holding a BBQ cookoff in support of ERD on February 2. You can register your own team or buy tickets to taste a variety of BBQ dishes. Click here to learn more.