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Oct 27, 2011

NetsforLife® Offers Spanish-Language Online Educational Resources

Episcopal Relief & Development and the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund are pleased to offer select Spanish-language educational resources to invite broader participation in the church-wide campaign to support the fight against malaria.  From the campaign brochure and stories from the field to the Malaria Liturgy, these materials are meant to invite and engage Spanish-speaking parishes and communities in this meaningful ministry.


In 2009, The Episcopal Church renewed its commitment to helping achieve the Millennium Development Goals by endorsing the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund and contributing 0.7% of its annual budget.  The NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund is a church-wide, grassroots effort to educate, engage and unite Episcopalians to support the Millennium Development Goals and the fight against malaria.  Our goal is to build awareness about this disease and how it can be prevented.  Together we will raise $5 million by December 2012, thereby helping NetsforLife® deliver on its promise to distribute 7 million nets.


“I encourage all those involved in Latino/Hispanic Ministries throughout the church to promote and utilize these outstanding resources which are now available in Spanish,” said the Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries of the Episcopal Church. “The NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund is a tangible way to bring our church together to address a preventable disease like malaria, and these resources allow for all of our Latino/Hispanic ministries to get involved.”


Most of the campaign’s Spanish-language resources are easily accessible from the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund website,  Brochures can be ordered by contacting the Episcopal Relief & Development office at 1.855.312.HEAL (4325) (your call will be answered in English) or sending a request via email to .  In the coming month, Spanish-language versions of the campaign’s adult study guide and NetsforLife® video will be made available.  Feedback on these resources is welcomed, to give a better understanding of their usefulness. 


Every 45 seconds in sub-Saharan Africa a child dies from malaria, an infectious disease transmitted by a mosquito bite.  Since 2008, NetsforLife® has delivered more than 4.8 million nets across 17 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, resulting in fewer infections, fewer deaths and stronger communities. 


“Being part of an inclusive and inviting Church is important to Episcopal Relief & Development and to this special campaign,” reflected Joy Shigaki, Director of the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund and Church Campaigns.  “We look forward to developing additional items to inspire even more meaningful participation in this effort.”


The success of the program is a result of the partnerships NetsforLife® has forged with a network of faith-based organizations working on the ground in Africa.  NetsforLife® combats malaria by training community malaria agents to deliver nets, educating community members about proper their use and maintenance, and providing ongoing monitoring and evaluation of their use.


Episcopal Relief & Development’s Inspiration Fund enables Episcopalians to live their faith by making a positive difference in the lives of millions around the globe through local, grassroots engagement across the church.


Please join in the fight against malaria.   You can make a difference by contributing $12. Go to to learn more!  To donate by mail, please note NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund and parish/city in the memo line of your check.  Send to:


Episcopal Relief & Development

P.O. Box 7058

Merrifield, VA 22116-7058


For more information, contact or call 1.855.312.HEAL (4325).