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May 12, 2011

NetsforLife® Releases Additional Resources

In the last month NetsforLife® has been working on new educational and parish resources as well as updating many of our existing materials. See below.  Please share them with your committee as well as your parish representatives. Go to to find more tools.


Real Heroes versus Rita Mosquito: A Children’s Program on Malaria

This new teaching tool will introduce children to malaria, how it’s prevented and empower them to participate in the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund.  In this program, our goal is to invite children to share in the ministry of building a community of malaria prevention. This ministry truly is one of shared participation by people all over the world, and we seek your involvement and that of your children as partners in this ministry.    These materials are flexible, and you are encouraged to use all or part of them as best suits your parish, school or group.  The program may be used for children ages 4 and up or for intergenerational groups.  Options are provided for varying ages of children. Click here for more.


Photo Slideshow by Barbara Senchak

We have a new NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund video called “Instilling Hope” that shares Barbara’s experiences seeing the NetsforLife® program and the importance of the work here.  Many thanks to Chad for all of this work on it.  It’s a very moving piece.


NetsforLife® Gift Cards

We develop general instructions on how to run a NetsforLife® gift cards efforts.  You can find more here under Gift Cards. 


Display Board

Based on requests, we have developed materials to create display boards on NetsforLife®, the campaign, and how to get involved.  Look under Display Board. Set one up in your seminary, parish hall, diocesan office, or community center.