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Oct 27, 2011

New Documentary Shows Churches Helping Those Hit By Great Recession

New York, NY -  An inspiring new documentary, “Journey into Action: Helping Hands in the Economic Crisis” tells the story of how – with the recession as a common denominator – Episcopal and Anglican churches in the United States and around the world have stepped in to aid their communities during a time of economic instability.  Presented by the National Council of Churches USA with the Interfaith Broadcasting Commisssion (IBC)  and produced by Trinity Wall Street, the documentary is available for broadcast as part of NBC’s Horizons of the Spirit series.


The film spotlights a New Orleans congregation that began in an abandoned drugstore, ministering to a neighborhood still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. It portrays young adults serving in schools and community food banks in Washington DC, and others farming in California to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to the community while advocating for the rights of migrant workers.  There are visits to the Great Plains of South Dakota and the Appalachian Mountain communities of Kentucky, regions where economic distress is an enduring historical pattern and yet congregations are striving for change.


The filmmakers also traveled to Ghana, where a church-sponsored home cares for newborn babies whose mothers died in childbirth, and where a  Ghanaian physician journeys village to village to stop the spread of malaria.


“What we’ve seen in producing this program has been both humbling and inspiring,” said Jim Melchiorre, Senior Religion Correspondent for Trinity Wall Street and producer-narrator of the program.  “I think once viewers see how people are able to have a real impact on their communities through their churches,  they’ll feel more positive about the future, and may decide to get involved themselves.” 


Viewers who would like to see “Journey into Action: Helping Hands in the Economic Crisis” broadcast in their area are encouraged to contact their local NBC affiliate.  To view the trailer, visit