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Jul 29, 2011

New Jubilee Ministry Grant Applications Now Accepted

Applications for 2011 and 2012 Jubilee Ministry grants are now being accepted in four categories for mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church.


Applications are available in two 2011 categories: diocesan initiatives and health and nutrition. The two 2012 categories are Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) workshop funding and summer camp programs.


Jubilee Ministries are congregations or agencies with connections to The Episcopal Church whose mission efforts affect the lives of those in need, addressing basic human needs and justice issues. Grants to Jubilee ministries are awarded annually.


All application forms are available here:


Categories, deadlines, amounts and explanation:


2011 grants

Funding diocesan initiatives; due October 1; $1,000 grants to support Jubilee Ministry development plans of the local bishop and the appointed diocesan jubilee officer. Up to 50 grants available (dioceses can receive one grant).


Health and nutrition, due October 1;  $750 grants for Jubilee Ministries that respond to the nutritional needs of people living in “food deserts,” defined as those communities in which residents have no easy access to fresh produce, and must rely on convenience stores or fast-food restaurants to provide their meals.


2012 grants

Jubilee Ministry ABCD Workshop; due December 30 for dioceses hosting two-day Asset Based Community Development training workshops featuring ABCD Institute trainer Mike Green; financial benefit of $5,000 per workshop event.   Six 2012 ABCD workshops will be funded. 


2012 Summer Camps; due December 30;  $1,000 grants to promote summer camp programs that target either youth literacy or children of the incarcerated. Thirty grants will be awarded in March 2012.


For guidelines, additional information, and to apply for any of the grants:


For more information contact the Rev. Christopher Johnson, Episcopal Church Jubilee Officer,


Episcopal Church Jubilee Ministries: