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Aug 07, 2015 | Nancy Springer-Baldwin

New Seminary Fellows Program Named for Bishop Dena A. Harrison

Seminary of the Southwest announced recently that it will name a new fellows program in honor of the Rt. Rev. Dena A. Harrison, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of Texas, Seminary alumna and chair of the Seminary board.  The fellows program was made possible with a significant gift to the Seminary from Episcopal Health Foundation in an innovative partnership that will support training of graduates of the Seminary's counseling program to help meet the mental health needs of disadvantaged counties in East Texas. 


This is one of the first grants of the Episcopal Health Foundation, recently established following the transfer by the Diocese of Texas of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System to Catholic Health Initiatives.


The fellows program will be officially launched at the annual Matriculation service, which welcomes and celebrates the new students entering Seminary of the Southwest for their leadership formation for lay and ordained ministry. Dean and President Cynthia Briggs Kittredge will preside and Diocesan Bishop C. Andrew Doyle will preach at the service of Evensong.


Academic Dean Scott Bader-Saye will install new full time faculty Dr. Gena Minnix and Dr. Stephanie Ramirez. Minnix and Ramirez will teach counselor education for the seminary’s master’s in counseling degree.


The Cook Award in Servant Leadership, named for Faculty Emeritus Charles J. Cook, is presented at Matriculation and will be awarded this year to Susan Rushing, chief executive officer of Burke, the mental health facility in East Texas where the first interns in the Harrison Fellows Program are working.


The service of Evensong begins at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 30, in Christ Chapel on the seminary campus. A celebratory dinner and program led by Bishop Doyle follows at 6:30 p.m. in the Weeks Center.


If you can join us, RSVP by August 15, to Luisa Montgomery at 512.439.0391 or reply online here.