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Jan 17, 2013 | Luke Blount

New Smartphone App Could Help Churches In Disasters

helpbridge2Microsoft released a new smartphone app available for iOS, Android, and Windows phones called "HelpBridge." The app helps the user inform loved ones if he/she is ok as well as providing link to donate or volunteer.


In the event of a natural or unnatural disaster, the app could prove incredibly useful for church leaders trying to account for their congregation. It also allows the user to ask for help for oneself or an organization. If the church needed donations of food, a quick message could be sent to a pre-determined list. Or if someone needed help, they could send a message, including their current location.


In the event of a prolonged power outage, keeping a smartphone charged may be difficult, but if you have a charge, this app could prove to be a lifesaver.


Read more from the Houston Chronicle here.