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Jul 11, 2013 | EDOT Staff

Panel Featuring Austin Episcopalians Chosen for SXSW Podcast

merrill wade panel
The Rev. Merrill Wade (photo from

During the annual SXSW festival in Austin this year, the Rev. Merrill Wade and Dr. Greg Garrett served as panelists for a discussion title "Into the Mystic: Secular Music as a Quest for More." Wade is the rector of St. Matthew's, Austin, and Garrett is a professor, author, and parishioner of St. David's, Austin.


The discussion is one of only a few chosen for podcast so far. The panelists explore the relationship between spirituality and popular music. Other panelists include Monica Miller (Lewis & Clark College), om Beaudoin (Fordham University), and David Nantais (University of Detroit Mercy).


Listen below: