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Dec 02, 2015 | EDOT Staff

Paris Conference to Address Climate Issues

This week, nations around the world convene in Paris to craft an international climate agreement at the Conference of Parties (COP). The Episcopal Church advocates to limit carbon emissions and to help vulnerable communities adapt to the changing climate. Addressing climate change is one of the greatest moral challenges of our time, and this issue is so important to our Church that the Presiding Bishop is sending a delegation of Episcopalians to the climate negotiations to advocate for a strong and just agreement.


One way you can take part in the Paris conference is to learn more about the United Nations climate negotiations and meet the Presiding Bishop's delegates on our Confronting Climate Change at the COP Webinar, which you can register for here. You can also view the advocacy talking points of the Presiding Bishop's delegation here and read daily updates from the delegates on the EPPN blog here.


Remember to pray for all those attending the conference and follow along on Twitter to keep up with COP21 happenings at @DFMSatCOP



Another way to engage is to advocate for the Green Climate Fund and the Clean Power Plan, critical policies that will support a strong international climate agreement.