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Dec 05, 2012 | The Rev. Jerald Hyche

Parish Artists Go Out On a Limb

St. James Tree
St. James Tree Closeup

St. James, Conroe, parishioners stepped into the church the morning of Sunday, November 18, to find their sanctuary transformed by a “Tree of Gratitude.” From its massive trunks on either side of the church, its large and rambling limbs stretched across the walls, their tips finally meeting in the form of hands cradling the altar cross.


The tree was full with leaves bearing the thanksgivings written by parish youth, the perfect backdrop for Gratitude Sunday, one in a series of themed Sundays through the course of St. James’ ongoing capital campaign, Foundation for the Future. During services, adults were invited to write their thanksgivings on “hands” that were later added as the “fruit” of the tree.


The symbolism continued to bloom into Ministry Sunday, December 2, when members paraded newly created banners representing their various ministries and six paintings were added to the sanctuary walls to glorify all that God is doing through St. James parish.


Also during the service, congregants witnessed nine members put together a “human puzzle” that beautifully displayed how we all come together from different places, with different needs, to form the body of Christ not just at St. James, but in the world.


Celebrating members’ gratitude and the parish’s many ministries has been an integral part of St. James’ capital campaign to raise $1.5 million to $2 million for a new entranceway, improved and expanded parking and an outdoor plaza that would serve as the church’s welcome mat as well as an outdoor gathering space.


The campaign culminates with a Celebration Event on Sunday, December 9, and then Commitment Sunday on December 16. The tally of pledges will be announced on Epiphany, Sunday, January 6.