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Oct 29, 2014 | Carol E. Barnwell

Pet Blessing Triples Turnout

Epiphany, Calvert more than tripled participation at their annual pet blessing this year and had 14 times as many visitors as last year, from two to 28.


According to Cindy Clark, a student at the Iona School for Ministry and pastoral leader at Epiphany, the newspaper article and large banner on Main Street helped encourage more people from the community to participate.


Church members also distributed fliers to area schools and a local veterinarian provided $10 vaccines as well as gave certificates for a spay/neuter visit. Nearly a dozen animals received their rabies shots during the pet blessing. Each person attending also received a photograph with their pet and a St. Francis charm and a certificate of blessing.


Clark invited the local Animal Control Officer who helped participants understand the laws for keeping their animals safe and the Pet's Mart in Bryan/College Station donated door prizes and provided a bag of treats to each pet.


“We had a Eucharist and blessing and then devoured hot ‘diety’ dogs, no pun intended,” Clark quipped. Leaving no outreach stone unturned, Clark donated the extra food to the lical senior center for lunch the next day.


“We met out under two large draping oak trees and just had fun celebrating God's creation and creatures together,” Clark said. The congregation plans an even bigger event next year.


“I’m absolutely thrilled with the response to Epiphany’s pet blessing,” said Bishop Andy Doyle. “It shows that there are many people in our communities that we can reach if we focus on the mission field with the wonderful things we already celebrate.”


Clark said her members also made sure they invited all their visitors to come to church and they plan other opportunities to reach out into their community.