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Jul 19, 2012 | Jamie Martin-Currie

Prairie View VBS Goes 'Fishin' on a Mission for Jesus'

st. francis vbsAt St. Francis of Assisi, Prairie View, the children Pre-K thru 8th Grade were “Fishin’ on a Mission for Jesus.” This one-room school house of 35 young people and 10 adult volunteer counselors explored Matthew 4:19 together to learn the practical skill set of what it means to be formed as a disciple of Jesus Christ.


At the parish hall where all 45 people gathered, the room was surprisingly calm and orderly. Each of the three groups (Pre-K-2nd Grade, 3rd-5th Grade and middle school students) had two adult leaders.


One of the leaders of the youngest group had been recruited at the last moment. It would seem that Miss Callie had taught this age group for years due to her proficiency in nearly every area. No wonder, she was a product of Mrs. Madolyn Reed’s long-running after-school math program in Prairie View. Callie had clearly learned class management from her mentor. For example, Mrs. Reed’s management style is unique in that it employs quiet inside voices at all times from the adults in charge. A hand raised in the air creates silence when she needs their attention. This occurred right before lunch in preparation for the daily pop quiz. Each group got a chance to answer multiple questions, and correct answers netted an opportunity to choose a prize from the treasure box. Above all, Mrs. Reed created a fun, upbeat learning environment for all ages.


The young people are mostly from the surrounding communities of Prairie View, Waller and Hempstead, while many of the adults are from the neighboring First United Methodist Church in Prairie View. Mrs. Reed operates on a donation only basis for both VBS and the week’s hand bell camp. When asked why there is no charge, Mrs. Reed responded, “Jesus didn’t charge when he taught, why should we?”


How do you make disciples? What skills are you developing on your summer vacation so that you can be and make disciples? Let us know. We would love to hear from you. 

- Jamie Martin-Currie is the Missioner for Christian Education at the Diocesan Center in Houston.