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Mar 19, 2013

Preschoolers to Hold Day of Service for Local Charities

Shelter animals, seniors in assisted living, abused children, and the homeless will all benefit from St. Matthew’s Episcopal School’s second annual Day of Service. The event is scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd, from 10 a.m. to noon on the campus of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church and School at 8134 Mesa Drive in Austin.


Children ages two to seven will participate in the day, which focuses on the Austin Humane Society; the Renaissance-Austin Retirement Home and the Summit at Northwest Hills; the Center for Child Protection; Mobile Loaves and Fishes and Caritas. The children and their families will:


  • braid flannel strips to make play/chew toys for shelter animals
  • make cards containing words of encouragements and cheer for residents of nearby assisted living facilities
  • make sock dolls and tie flannel blankets to comfort children going through investigations of abuse
  • compose kits, called “manna bags” of items such as personal care items and snacks for the local homeless population. As well as making rice and bean bags for the food pantry

“Little hands can truly make a big difference when it comes to helping others in need” says Head of School Francie Thurman. “It makes these little folks so proud that they can do something important for others.” 


“During Lent, especially, the sign of the cross reminds us that God loves us so that we can love each other,” says The Rev. Merrill Wade, Rector of the parish and chairman of the school’s Board of Directors. “Teaching our children to reach out and help the community helps them to grow morally and spiritually.” 


Hand-written and decorated cards will accompany the projects from the youngsters. The day will be capped off with a picnic lunch and live entertainment provided by Mr. Leebot.


Media coverage is invited.  See below for photos from last year's event.


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St. Matt
St. Matt
St. Matt
St. Matt
St. Matt