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Jan 07, 2011

Presiding Bishop to Visit Houston, Galveston

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will visit the Episcopal Diocese of Texas January 14-16, 2011. During her time in Houston and Galveston she will celebrate the 100th anniversary of St. Andrew’s in the historic Heights area of Houston on Friday at 7:30 p.m. She will celebrate at St. Augustine’s of Hippo, Galveston on Sunday, January 16 at 9 a.m. before returning to New York. St. Augustine’s is the oldest African American Episcopal Church in Texas and the occasion of her visit is particularly timely because Monday is Martin Luther King Day.

On Saturday, the presiding bishop is scheduled to meet with college missioners as well as diocesan staff and will participate in a house blessing at a home in Galveston rebuilt by volunteers under the direction of the Texas Episcopal Relief and Development group.

The public is invited to worship at St. Andrew’s and St. Augustine’s with Bishop Andy Doyle and the presiding bishop.