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Aug 10, 2016 | Carol E. Barnwell

Raise Your Voice Concerts To Help Raise Gun Violence Awareness


On September 25, choirs across the Episcopal Diocese of Texas are invited to join with neighboring congregations to raise their voices in remembrance of victims of gun violence in our country. The events will be held in conjunction with the national “Concert Across America” sponsored by Faiths United and may be small and humble or enormous gatherings.


“Music transcends barriers and I believe it to be a powerful witness that we gather together to raise our voices to say we are all God’s people and that we all deserve to live in peace and harmony,” said the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, IX Bishop of Texas. “I’m thrilled to hear of a number of our churches already planning to join in and I hope many more will do so as well.”


The Concert Across America is a series of live music events of all sizes from coast to coast to remember victims of America’s gun violence epidemic. Church choir and music directors have been asked to invite their choirs, and those of neighboring churches—particularly historically African American churches—first responders and anyone interested in joining this “pop up” choir in a public space. Participation in the concert can include everything from offering a special anthem, to choosing a Sunday’s worth of hymns around the theme of peace, to holding a special performance by a choir, musician or musical group.


“We have contacted our choir directors and invited others to join us,” said Dr. Linda Patterson, chair of the Diocese’s Music Commission. “We have musical suggestions and we’d like these concerts to be diverse and broad community expressions,” she added. “St. Peter's, Brenham will join historic Mt. Rose Missionary Baptist Church on the courthouse steps at 2:00 p.m. on September 25,” Patterson added, “and we have invited city officials and members of the police department to join us as well. It will be a wonderful community event, offered in the most generous spirit.”


Bishop Doyle and fellow bishops in the Diocese of Texas, the Rt. Rev. Dena Harrison and the Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher are members of Bishops Against Gun Violence.


Add your event to the national map at


To see statistics about gun violence in America, watch this video.