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Sep 21, 2011 | EDOT Staff

Rebuild Our Church in Haiti Announces New Resources

New and updated resources for dioceses and congregations who are about to launch campaigns to support the Rebuild Our Church in Haiti appeal are now available online.  In addition to the practical tools, news, and progress reports already available, there are newly updated communications materials (weekly bulletin inserts and e-communications), as well as seasonally relevant materials.


Advent Devotional:  This advent devotional, Advent Reflections, was written by the seminarians at Seminaire de Théologie Episcopale d’Haïti. Working with volunteer Kyle Evans (Diocese of Pennsylvania), each student picked a day in Advent and chose a verse from the assigned readings on which to write a reflection and prayer. These can be shared in congregations to help pass on the hope rising from the ruins in Haiti.


Gift Card:  Participants can now give friends and family the gift of renewal by buying a brick toward the new cathedral. This fun gift card makes a great stocking stuffer, Thanksgiving place card, teacher or office gift.


Sample Fundraiser IdeasFor congregations looking for inspiration for a fundraiser, examples of already successful fundraising ideas from innovative Episcopalians across the globe are available.


Frequently Asked Questions:  Answers to questions about the Rebuild Our Church in Haiti appeal can be found in the updated FAQ’s.

Rebuild Our Church in Haiti is a national, grass-roots effort launched on the 1st anniversary of the magnitude seven earthquake that decimated Haiti in 2010. The appeal was authorized by Executive Council in response to the request from Bishop Jean Zach Duracin and the people of Haiti to help rebuild the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. For more information visit