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Jul 13, 2018

Reflection by the Rev. Susan Kennard

This is the third time I have been privileged to serve as a deputy from the Diocese of Texas. World Mission is my committee assignment.

Here are some of the extraordinary moments from this gathering:

  • A revival that rocked the house in every possible spirit-filled way
  • Committee testimony from brothers and sisters who live, move and have their being in great danger by virtue of their faith
  • A budget process that reflects our values and our core commitment to mission (this was a long moment!)
  • A “session” committed to listening—in particular listening to the pain and sorrow of those for whom the church has not been safe. This extraordinary moment casts a long shadow forward. We commit to safety.
  • Meal fellowship
  • Snack fellowship
  • A commitment to radical welcome was pervasive in all moments
    • Access to liturgy
    • Access to the table
    • Access to everything we say and do