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Sep 17, 2013 | G. Jeffrey MacDonald

Religion News Service: Numbers of Unpaid Ministers Rise

unpaid ministers story
Mark Marmon (right) in procession during Ordination
on June 15. Marmon is one of many unpaid clergy.

(RNS) The 50 members of All Saints Episcopal Church in Hitchcock, Texas, are looking forward to December, when Mark Marmon will be ordained their priest.


One reason for the excitement? They won’t have to pay him.


A 57-year-old fly fishing guide, Marmon, whose wife is a lawyer, says he doesn’t want or need a church salary. He belongs to a growing breed of mainline Protestant clergy who serve congregations in exchange for little or no compensation.


“We’re the frontline,” Marmon said. “If it weren’t for us, these churches would just roll up and die.”


Though small evangelical congregations have long relied on unpaid pastors, mainline churches haven’t. They’ve generally paid full-time or nearly full-time salaries, said Scott Thumma, a Hartford Seminary sociologist of religion.


That’s changing, however ... click here to continue reading from RNS.