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Dec 05, 2011 | EDOT Staff

Renovare Essentials Conference Coming to Emmanuel, Houston

Emmanuel, Houston, will be hosting the Renovare Essentials Conference on February18, 2012, the Saturday just before Ash Wednesday.


This is a great opportunity to gear up for an engaging Lenten journey. Renovare Essentials is a one-day conference to reflect, renew and refresh your faith heading into the season leading up to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


The goal is to provide the participants with a balanced vision of their own personal faith for Spiritual Renewal. The lineup of speakers include: Christopher Webb, Juanita Campbell Rasmus and Mickey Cox.


This event is designed to help reclaim your relationship with God – as it was meant to be. For more information on the conference, visit To register today, visit www.emmanuel-houston.orgOr download a publicity packet here.


Note to clergy: This event has been approved for 7 CEUs.