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Apr 13, 2021

Saint Thomas’ Members Donate $1M to Help Rebuild Houston Campus

Benefactors Judith and Roy Shaw have generously agreed to donate up to $500,000 in matching donations to help rebuild Saint Thomas’ Episcopal Church and School.  

The match comes after the couple’s initial donation of $500,000 during the quiet phase of the Fulfilling the Promise capital campaign, bringing their total gift to $1,000,000.  

Judith and Roy Shaw are deeply committed to the mission of STE and believe in the church’s pledge to bring high-quality classical Christian education to students in the Houston area. Because of their commitment, Judith and Roy want to ensure the Fulfilling the Promise capital campaign reaches its $10,000,000 goal by encouraging new gifts to the campaign. “Judith and Roy Shaw’s wonderful gift means we are wrapping up the campaign with a big boost and as the rector, it reminds me how powerfully committed people are to the mission of STE,” said the Rev. David Browder. 

STE’s Fulfilling the Promise capital campaign kicked off its public phase in 2019 following the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey, when flood waters damaged more than 70% of the church and school’s facilities. Damages included a flooded sanctuary and substantial damage to all lower and middle school buildings. The Fulfilling the Promise capital campaign, which is chaired by the couple’s daughter and son-in-law, Kirsten Shaw Herrscher ’81 and Roger Herrscher, is helping to raise $10,000,000 to rebuild the campus and to ensure STE’s mission continues for future generations. 

With $8,500,000 already raised in Fulfilling the Promise donations, Judith and Roy Shaw want to encourage others to give by matching all new campaign donations dollar for dollar from April 6 to April 30, 2021. “I hope people will see the Shaws’ generosity as an incentive to give,” said Headmaster Michael Cusack ’79. “Their matching gift shows STE is a school worth investing in for the future.” The STE STRONG Matching Gift Challenge will help raise $1,500,000 in four weeks to close out the capital campaign.

About Judith and Roy Shaw
Judith and Roy Shaw have been part of the Saint Thomas’ Episcopal community since shortly after its founding in 1955. Since that time, Judith and Roy have remained members of Saint Thomas’ Episcopal Church and an active part of Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School. In the 1970s Judith Shaw served as a member of the school faculty, when she taught middle school mathematics. Judith and Roy have had three children and three of their seven grandchildren attend STE from Kindergarten through twelfth grade: Trey Shaw ’78, Kirsten Shaw Herrscher ’81, Chris Shaw ’85, Ryan Herrscher ’11, Valerie Herrscher ’16, and Jackson Herrscher ’20.