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Jun 17, 2013 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

Sally Johnson Awarded House of Deputies Medal

The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President of the Episcopal Church’s House of Deputies, presented the House of Deputies medal to Sally Johnson, Esq. during the 2013 Episcopal Chancellors Network Conference.


Johnson, who recently retired as vice president of risk management and education for the Church Pension Group, was awarded the House of Deputies medal in May.


In presenting the award, President Jennings said, “Her record of service is amazing. Sally is a canonical expert bar none. More importantly she is a person of deep integrity. She is wise and generous with her counsel, time and friendship. She is wicked smart and deeply committed to the Episcopal Church. The result of her leadership can be seen in a strengthened and empowered laity, clergy, bishops, chancellors and deputies.”


Johnson, who has been a deputy from the Diocese of Minnesota to seven General Conventions, has served as vice-chair and chair of the Convention’s Legislative Committee on Canons and on the Standing Commission on Constitution and Canons and on a variety of other Episcopal Church bodies. She has been chancellor to two presidents of the House of Deputies, including President Jennings.


During her time at the Church Pension Fund, she advised Episcopal Church leaders on sexual misconduct, employment, ecclesiastical discipline, legal and other risk management situations and developed materials and provided training and education on risk management issues.
President Jennings, who was elected at the 77th General Convention in 2012, established the medal in October of that year to honor clergy and laypeople who have given distinguished service to the House of Deputies and the Episcopal Church.


The triennial General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church and includes the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. The next General Convention will be held in June 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT.