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Mar 10, 2011

Salt Lake City Selected as 2015 General Convention Site

Salt Lake City, UT, has been selected as the site for the 2015 General Convention of the Episcopal Church.


The selection was announced after the Episcopal Church Executive Council advised and consented to the choice at its February meeting in Fort Worth TX (Diocese of Fort Worth).


The General Convention Office is holding space for a 10 day convention in July.


The Episcopal Church’s General Convention, held every three years, is the bicameral governing body of the church. General Convention, the second largest legislative body in the world, is comprised of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 members, and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay representatives from its dioceses and regional areas, at over 700 members.


The decision to select Salt Lake City, in the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, was reached following discussions, site visits, and consents among various Episcopal Church officials and committees.


According to the Rev. Canon Dr. Gregory Straub, Executive Officer and Secretary of the General Convention, “The decision is made by the Joint Standing Commission on Planning and Arrangements, subject to the advice and consent of the majority of the following: Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson, Vice President of the House of Bishops Dean Wolfe, Bishop of Kansas, the Presidents of the nine provinces of the Church, and Executive Council.”


The next General Convention will be held July 2012 in Indianapolis, IN (Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis). The previous General Convention, held in July 2009, took place in Anaheim, CA (Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles).