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Jun 06, 2013 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

Save the Date: Churchwide Conference April 9-11, 2014

Bishops, clergy and laity from throughout the Episcopal Church are invited to gather April 9 – 11, 2014 to explore one of the major issues in today’s society – violence in all its forms.
Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: An Episcopal gathering to challenge the epidemic of violence will be held at the Reed Center and Sheraton in Oklahoma City, OK (Diocese of Oklahoma).
“With Our Lord’s gospel of peace as the basis of our work, the Episcopal Church will look closely at the violence that surrounds our lives today,” noted Bishop Eugene Sutton of the Diocese of Maryland.


Bishop Edward J. Konieczny of the Diocese of Oklahoma added, “It is significant that Oklahoma City was selected as it was the site of one of the most violent and devastating events in our history.”
The conference will include worship, plenary sessions, workshops and visits to the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum.


Schedule details, speakers, workshop titles and registration information will be available in the fall of 2013.


In addition to staff members of the Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society including Federal Ministries, the Offices of Communication and Government Relations, participating in the planning of this major event are representatives from the Dioceses of Atlanta, Chicago, Connecticut, Louisiana, Los Angeles, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Southeast Florida, Washington, West Texas, and Wyoming as well as other groups.


For more information about the event, contact Mary Getz, Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations Grassroots and Online Communications,