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Apr 08, 2013 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

Scholarship Applications Now Accepted for Episcopal Church Grants

Applications are now being accepted for the 2013-2014 awarding of more than 60 scholarships from the Episcopal Church.

Scholarships are available for ethnic communities, children of missionaries, bishops and clergy, and other particular wide-ranging eligibility for education and training.

The list of trust funds and scholarships as well as key information are here. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read each trust and identify in the application those trust funds that best fit their own profile.

Potential applicants should contact their bishops for the application and other pertinent information.

Application form is available here.

In the last granting cycle, 70 scholarships were awarded, totaling more than $255,534.64. According to the breakdown in accordance to the scholarship guidelines: Missionary children, 21 grants, $77,700; Black, 18 grants, $76,897.36; Hispanics, 7 grants, $32,000; Native Americans, 7 grants, $21,154.26; Asians, 4 grants, $19,000;  Miscellaneous, 4 grants, $15,390; Foreign students, 9 grants, $13,393.02.

Applications are reviewed by scholarship subcommittees comprised of representatives from throughout the Church. Their recommendations are then reviewed and announced by the Scholarship Committee of the Episcopal Church.

Funding for the scholarships is derived from numerous trust funds. The amounts of the scholarships vary according to the availability of payouts from the funds. Annual payouts from the funds are determined by the Executive Council upon recommendation of its Investment Committee. Principal amounts of each fund are always maintained.

Deadline for applications is April 30. Only complete applications will be considered.

Requirements for applying for the scholarships include: the applicant must be an Episcopalian, must be a member of the Episcopal Church, and must have the endorsement of his/her bishop.

For information contact Terry Foster, Mission Office Associate,

Based on the high interest and number of applications for these scholarships, donations to these scholarships are invited to assist Episcopalians.  For information in donating to these scholarships or in establishing a new scholarship, contact Margareth Crosnier de Bellaistre