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Mar 27, 2013 | Barbara Moore

Sew Africa Saturday "Sew Great" at St. Christopher's

dresses - st. chrisOn Saturday, March 23, approximately 18 lady parishioners gathered in the Parish Hall at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, League City, to create dresses and pants for children in Southern Malawi, using repurposed pillowcases, t-shirts, selvage fabric and trim.  They met from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. where they measured, cut, sewed, ironed, laughed, and enjoyed the fellowship of one and other.


These ladies brought their sewing machines, extension cords, power strips, cutting boards, scissors, irons and boards, straight pins, and all the necessities to complete cutes dress for the girls and smart pairs of britches for the boys.


By 2 p.m., when these ladies unplugged their sewing machines, 25 dresses and 8 pairs of pants had been handmade for children in Southern Malawi!  But, that wasn’t all.  Several more outfits are in progress, and dozens of "kits" were taken to homes to be completed and returned.


The garment rack was displayed for all to admire these beautiful items of clothing.  Visit St. Christopher's Facebook page to see the photos taken that day. Sew Africa Saturday was a resounding success.


St. Christopher is a church with a heart for mission. Its mission work ranges from local to international service to those in need. St. Christopher, located at 2508 St. Christopher Avenue in League City, is a warm, welcoming community, eager to bless friends, neighbors, and those we have never met. The Rev. Dr. Tom Day is Senior Rector.  For more information on Sew Africa or St. Christopher, please call 281.332.5553 or visit